Sunday, May 27, 2007


4.30am, Singapore (post Zouk)

So here I am, stepping into the realm of the blogging world finally.
I did make a resolution eons ago to make an effort to try to improving my creative writing skills but procrastination reared its evil head time and time again.

One can however argue that as with all new technologies, it takes time for it to be improved and mature. So I'm reassuring myself that its with remarkable 20-20 hindsight that I was procrastinating to give the blogging technology time to develop and mature to what it is today. Thanks goes to Tammy for pushing me over the edge at dinner last night by confirming that she would bother to read my ramblings which reassured me somewhat that I won't be the equivalent of a crazy drunk in the online street corner talking to himself.

The past 2 weeks have been exhausting, I was in Kuala Lumpur attending Accenture's Core Analyst school program where we all learnt the necessary skills to talk the talk, walk the walk and deliver value to clients as an Accenture analyst. Its incredible to learn that the company has its own methodology and model for practically everything under the sun with pretty graphics and diagrams to support. I won't be surprised if I needed to make a oven roast and they already had a methodology in place to deliver to you the ISO9000 best practices for roasting a bird in the oven.

Seriously though, it was a fantastic networking opportunity to get to know all the other analysts from the Asia pacific offices. In our group we had: Japanese, Indians, China'rians, Koreans, Singaporeans, Australians. Great fun was had by all, in spite of the gruelling 10hr days in class and working in teams with obvious language barriers in place. The Japanese were great fun, clicking away on their digital pocket-sized English to Japanese translators in class and getting pissed funny drunk when you go drinking with em.

I'll post up some photos from the past 2 weeks when I get back to Melbourne and organize my stuff. (and of course figure out how to upload photos in blogger)

Meanwhile, my bed beckons me and I'm going to recharge my batteries for the few days I have left in Singapore to tackle the Great Singapore Sale and play catch up with friends

..... Andy